Reviews by Author
This is a list with a direct link to all reviews that I've posted and will be posting soon. Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific author, series, or book you're looking for!!
Alayna Ravenwood
**Fates of Betrayal**

Angel Lawson
**The Lost Queen**

Audrey Lockhart
**The Las Vegas Vampire Saga**

Candace Knoebel
**The Night Watchmen Series**

Cate Tiernan
**Immortal Beloved**

Christina Garner
**The Gateway Trilogy**

Christine Barber
**Raining Love**

Claire Chilton
*The Demon Diaries**
*The Hunted Hearts**

Dagny Darkwood
**The Eternals**

Delia Steele
**Switching Tracks Series**

Devyn Dawson
**The Light Tamer Trilogy**

Diana Petkovic
**The Presenting Saga**

Ednah Walters
**Runes Series**

Elizabeth Chandler
**Kissed by an Angel**

Erin Danzer
**Spiral Defenders Series**

G.E. Nosek
**Ava of The Gaia**

H.G. Lynch
**Unfortunate Blood**

Jani Berghuis
**Stand Alone**

Kayla Jo
**The Healer Series**

Kimberly Readnour
**The Mystical Encounter Series**

Kris L. Woodall
**Short Story**

Laura D. Bastian
**The Orion Trilogy**

M. Lathan
**Hidden Series**

Melissa Giorgio
**Silver Moon Saga**

Mia Hoddell
**Seasons of Change Standalone**

Michael F. Stewart
**Assured Destruction**

Misty Provencher
**Cornerstone Series**

Olivia Fisher
**Short Story**

S.C. Harrison
**Revive Series**

Sarra Cannon
**Peachville High Demons**
**Beautiful Darkness**

Sutton Shields
**The Merworld Water Wars**

Talia Jager
**Gifted Teens Series**

Tera Lynn Childs
**Darkly Fae**

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