Lost by M. Lathan

Hidden Series #2

With her bullies and other hidden pains buried in her past, Christine is trying to enjoy her new life with her friends and soul mate. But for her, nothing is ever easy. Her powers are spinning out of control and must be tamed by the woman who saved the world, the same woman who is predicted to die in less than a month. As time ticks closer to Lydia's death, Christine tries to find a way to keep her alive. But how can she save Lydia when the future is showing that she will be the one to kill her hero?


After the events of the previous book, Christine still wants to save Remi, doesn't want to use her powers and miss her parents more than ever but she doesn't remember that they are alive and that Lydia Shaw is in fact her mother. But when avoiding her powers just make them come too strong and she can't control them she needs to learn how to control them before she does something really bad.

Christine has to learn how to accept what she is and that she is not like a copy and she also has to deal with the fact that now Nathan, Emma and Paul have a job and they will be away for two whole months and Christine doesn't know how she will be okay alone. She is always thinking of her parents like she knows a lot more than she read in the diary and she feels that she is forgetting something, which she obviously does.

OMG a lot of things happens in this book. Christine struggles with her powers that seem too powerful and out if control, her new relationship with Lydia since she doesn't remember she is her mother. The new job that Nathan, Paul and Emma had that took them in a two months trip. And we finally meet her father and what happens after that is just unbeliavable.

I certainly wasn't expecting the things that happened in the last 20% of the book, but I got say that from this point on is impossible to stop reading. Really!!
Can't wait for the next book. In facy I'll begin my reading right away, no regrets in buying the four books straight on.

Author Pages

If you're interested, you could use my links below to buy the book, it would help me a lot.
  • Kindle Amazon US:
  • Paperback Amazon US:
  • Livraria Cultura - Ebook: Lost
  • Kobo - Ebook: Lost
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