
     Soo, I was so nervous yesterday because I was posting a review for the first time, and I was scared of the results, which I guess I shouldn't have worried about, mostly because I don't think many people even read it yet, much less criticize whatever I've written, but because of all this I ended up forgetting to put up Labels in my post and I forgot to add that Summer Demons is part of a series even though It is still a Stand Alone, the thing is, the rest of the books have different characters but some of them have characters portrayed in each book.
So Summer Demons is a separate book, but the next book in this series is about Amy, Jenna's best friend in Summer Demons!
     So, for those of you that like Amy, you may like the next book "Winter Angel". I haven't read it yet, but I guess it's in my list of next reading (which is a very long list).
I'll be editing the post, but just wanted to make it clear first, or some people may not notice the change.


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