Ava of the Gaia by G.E. Nosek

Ava of the Gaia Book 1

Título do Livro

Ava Fae is delighted at the appearance of an alluring new boy at her high school, until she sees the dagger tattoo on the inside of his arm. She knows that tattoo, and it can mean only one thing -- either she or the new boy will be dead by the end of the school year.
Harnessing the magic of the elements passed down to her through the centuries, Ava works frantically to discover the true intentions of the tattoed stranger. But she is not the only one with mysterious powers and she finds herself thwarted at every turn. Hunter and hunted engage in an intricate game of cat and mouse - unaware that a much larger war is brewing, a war that will be decided by the outcome of their struggle.

Ava can use and join like one with the element. She loves to interact with everything in the nature. She also can influence the teachers in accepting what she tells them and kind of get out of any situation in classes. But when a new student enrolls in her high school, Ava learns she isn't the only one that can do what she does, but the only other people that could maybe do this are what she knows as Order of Ares, the mortal enemies of her people, The Order of Gaia. And when she sees his tattoo, she is very certain that he is one of them, but she is reluctant in telling her people in fear of attracting unnecessary attention over something that may not be truth.
Well, Ava was a little too obvious in her attempt of observing Lucas, and with the time she spent with him, she kept forgetting that he may be the enemy. We have some insight of Lucas along the story, but his narrative was confusing to say the least, sometimes it seemed that he was hiding hos true intentions from Ava, some others he seemed to really care for her, so it was hard to know which side he was on, or if he was doing someones bidding. I feel that his moving to such a small city and be right up to Ava's face was some indication that he was the enemy playing inocent, but I guess I just found out what Lucas really represented to Ava in the end of the book.
There's a lot of things happening with the Orders, the whole why they are mortal enemies is muddy to say the least, they have taught each other to hate and fear one another for so long that they can't really remember how it all started. There's a lot of old history to learn to understand the true reason for this war.< I liked how Ava was, but I couldn't help noticing that she put a lot of fate in Lucas for someone that was suspicious of him in the first place, but I guess you do silly things when you like someone. That's another reason that I couldn't quite grasp about Ava, she was developing feelings for Lucas, but when her childhood best friend appeared, she just forget that to be with him, her excuse was that Lucas was ignoring her, but it wasn't like she tried to fix things herself neither, so she just thought: "It's better this way, he may be the enemy anyway".
the end of the book is really surprising, I guess I wasn't really expecting that, hope we get more action in the next book, more use for Ava and Lucas powers, and I hope beyond hope the book doesn't fall into a love triangle, but if I understand well of what I read, it'll probably have one between Ava, Lucas and Owen.

Narration: The story is narrated in third person, and the pov changes from Ava to Lucas and sometimes Owen. It's not exactly clear when it changes, but it's understandable enough.

Story: The plot of this book is really interesting, the whole thing about a group that is close to the nature and wants the world to evolve but without forsaking the forest,lakes,ocean, animals and living nature while the other group is more in favor for technology and machine powers, a sort of more aggressive group.So you can't help but want to know what each group strong and weak points are, and where the lines between the two are.

Romance: There's some romance between Ava and Lucas and even less between Ava and Owen, but I guess this wasn't the focus of the book and may be more developed in the next book, but the little that we get is sweet enough, but I really hope that Ava can be more decisive of who she likes for real, or if in the next book Owen will sway her away.

Cover: The cover is beautifull and I guess it explain the main theme of the book perfectly, bacause you can clearly see the Order of Gaia and the Order of Ares in this cover, who I assume is Ava in forest green and who I also assume to be Lucas in red, what I should think is the whole power and more aggressive side of this Order.

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If you're interested in this book, you could use my links below to buy the book, it would help me a lot >.<


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