Review: Folly

Folly Folly by Lori Saltis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just Wow!

I honestly don't know how to begin explaining how amazing this sequel was.
Let me try, first this book begins like 2 years after the first one so a lot changes in that time like Lennon getting to stay with his aunt in Seattle and training for the challenges of when he turns 18 and Penny has created he own online business selling clothes and accessories and her uncle challenged and won Kingfisher's place in the nest, so now it's safe for her family to be around the nest, excepts that her uncle expects her to marry like the tradition between strowlers woman to marry young.

Even with so many new happening in their lives, Penny and Lennon can't seem to forget about each other despite that being what everyone around them keep saying is for the best.

I loved how their relationship was the same and at same time wasn't, even though they had not be around each other for 2 years. Their relationship seemed to have matured with them and they know all the consequences of their interactionsand they do try to do the right thing, but their emotions and how safe they feel to express themselves with each other, makes fighting off their feelings impossible.

There are so much deception between the clans and so many power fights that keep this book full of mysteries and I finished this book even faster than the first.

I also liked the new take of chapters with the text messages exchanged between Penny and Lennon. For me it was the remind that they are still very young but with everything that happens in their lives, they have to act and shoulder so many responsabilities and pressure to be examples in their clans and families that sometimes I forget they are teenagers, even if not usual ones.

There are a few things that made my mind wonder in the second half of this book and it makes me curious what Penny and Lennon will have to do next and makes me hope that with everything we are discovering about their families, they might find a way to be together without shame or dishonor for their clans. Or it's my hopefully wishing for it in the background.

Can't wait to read more of this series.

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