The Power of Love by Elizabeth Chandler

Kissed by an Angel #2

The Power of Love
     A month after his death, angel Tristan is still trying to warn Ivy of impending danger. Only after narrowly escaping death does Ivy know the truth--Tristan is with her, and angels do exist. For young adult readers, this trilogy blending celestial visitors, teen romance and suspense is a match made in heaven.

This book was exciting. Really. After Tristan discover that his accident was no accident, he tries whatever he can to tell Ivy that she has to be careful.

But it's not easy to make things move in his new form, and telling Ivy is impossible, she doesn't believe in angels anymore.

Tristan learns new things and new forms to discover who cut his car break and if his accident had anything to do with Caroline's suicide, if it could be called that.

I gotta say that I was super curious to know who was trust worthy and who wasn't and I really was confused with Gregory's actions and feelings towards Ivy.

I'm really curious about what happened to Caroline? What's going on with Eric, who is the man that visits Caroline's grave?

So many question and most of them still unanswered. But the end of this book is a huge cliffhanger. Oh my god, I need the next one ASAP!!

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If you're interested, you could use my links below to buy the book, it would help me a lot.
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